Monday, July 26, 2010

2nd Weekend: Carnival, Island Adventuring, and Movie Night!

I can't exactly put into words the feeling of taking care of 100 kids for 48 straight hours. Tired, exhausted, and drained? Absolutely. But at the same time, it's unbelievable how little events and happenings during the weekend make it all worthwhile. Things like swimming in a beautiful bay, seeing the kids' enjoyment at pie-ing the RAs, and listening to their incessant chatter during their weekend sleepovers (mostly gossiping about boys!) make me remember why CTY is a perfect summer job.

On Friday, we began the weekend like every CTY site does - with a CTY dance. This one was themed "Fashion Disaster", so the kids and RA's dressed up in pajamas, mismatched clothes, or wore clothes of the opposite sex. On Saturday, the RA's organized a "CTY Carnival", where the kids went to different stations to earn tickets to pie the RA's in the face at the end of the day. They participated in water balloon tosses, balloon stomps, "horse races" (really the kids betted on toy cars that moved based on a roll of a dice), and enjoyed popcorn, face painting, and fortune telling. All in all, it was a pretty successful afternoon. I think their favorite part was seeing their RA's get pie-d.

Sunday was by far my favorite day with the kids. We went on a field trip to an island across the bay (Clear Water Bay) by paying local boats to take the kids across. The island was gorgeous, and the kids loved being at the beach. We were able to play in the ocean, and one beach even had a raft that we spent hours on, just jumping off and playing games. The only two downsides to the day was that the beaches had glass in the water and rocks on the beach, so kids (and I) were incessantly getting cuts on our feet. The other downside I realized later...when I was as red as a lobster. I was really burt, and have suffered the repercussions ever since. Those two minor glitches are a small price to pay for a great day though.
Morgan, Me, and Lucas "watching" the kids on the boat ride over to the island.

We passed by this sailboat on the way to the island! Everyday, I can see sailboats in the bay when I'm walking around campus.

This is one of the beaches that we played at during the day. We spent hours jumping off of that raft in the distance! The water was incredibly warm.

1 comment:

  1. hi k! i just finally got caught up on your blog and it looks like you're having an amazing amazing time.. makes me so happy!! seriously :)can't believe you're coming home soon. i've been keeping busy over here.. excited for your return!!
